What is ATP?

At its core, ATP is a General Physical Preparedness (GPP) program for middle school and high school athletes. GPP aims to increase general strength and fitness of athletes regardless of what sport they play. What sets ATP apart is that we layer in another level of training specific to the sport that athletes are currently training. For example, if an athlete does a session with ATP focused on soccer, we can expect their strength and fitness with respect to soccer increase, however 70-80% of those fitness improvements will seamlessly carry over to the other sports that they play as well.

Why did we start ATP?

ATP was established in the Spring of 2022. We started ATP because we realized there was a disconnect between most high school athletic teams, and collegiate teams. Only a small percentage of the athletes who were being recruited were making it past their freshman year. While the transition from high school to collegiate sports has seemingly infinite confounding variables which could cause this, we noticed that many times injuries were occurring due to the sudden increase in strength and conditioning volume. The purpose of ATP is to supplement practice with time in a strength and conditioning setting. Here we will teach the athletes how to lift with proper mechanics, and we can gradually increase volume and intensity so that when they do move on to collegiate athletics they are not only prepared, but at an advantage relative to their peers. 

We will make the athletes stronger, faster, and fitter so they may excel in their sport now, and in doing so we will lay the foundation for them to train at the next level when they move on to play in college.

We realize how much of an impact that we have on youth athletes both mentally and physically. We strive to create a positive environment where athletes can come to build relationships with their peers, gain confidence, and work through adversity. Just a few of the things that they will continue to foster and take away as key skills as they grow into young adults.